Does Judo Work Without The Gi?

Judo throws look magnificent, when executed correctly, and a big part of that is the use of a gi.

Judo players use the gi for everything – fighting for grips, setting up kuzushi (off balancing); it’s just what you use to fight!

So, can one set up a throw just as well when there is no gi involved?

It does

Many judo throws will work in no-gi scenarios, it’s just that you will need to adapt your grips accordingly.

Underhooks, overhooks – these, and many more wrestling-style clinch holds have to be learnt in order to pull off many of the judo techniques.

Here’s an example of harai goshi:

But how you do what also matters a lot if there are any leg takedowns.

If it’s just literally judo without the gi, then yes, the transition will be easier, when compared to if you were to do freestyle judo.

Then why are there no no-gi competitions?

I’ve heard of some, but they are rather rare.

The thing is that judo is an Olympic sport.

Most of the clubs who do teach judo teach the sport style which is then applied in competitions, and all that can eventually lead to getting into Olympics.

It just doesn’t make much sense for a gym to solely focus on no-gi when there are no venues to get into later.

But all in all I think this comes down to the nature of the sport itself.

Judo is a rather traditional, purist martial art. To see the International Judo Federation create a whole separate environment just for the no-gi so it could take off, it won’t happen.

BJJ world is completely different in this aspect.

I mean, one of the things that made no-gi jiu-jitsu so prominent these days is the use in MMA.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu was always the integral part of the Mixed Martial Arts.

What about using judo in BJJ no-gi, or even MMA?

Adding judo throws to your no-gi takedown repertoire will definitely be better than just shooting for single and double legs.

This video really hits the mark:

It’s about having options. The more stuff you know, the better you are prepared for any situation.

The clinch throws in judo are what really shine. Hip throws, arm throws or even sweeps. You can do all of that right from the inside of your opponent.

Results speak for themselves. There are plenty of fighters in MMA who show that judo work without a gi.

But isn’t wrestling better?

If we compare judo and freestyle wrestling to its use in no-gi or MMA, wrestling is definitely better.

Wrestling trains you right from the get-to to fight without the use of any jacket. It’s all about the underhooks and overhooks, and everything else…

It just makes a lot more sense to shoot for a double or single, go for ankle picks as it does work that much better, and judo does not train any of that.

With that said, training wrestling and judo is even better. Judo still has a larger variety of throws, and even though many of them are used by wrestlers themselves, judokas can work from the clinch better.

We have better sweeps, trips, hip, leg and arms throws. Many wrestlers are too dependent on shooting for a takedown, and once the distance is closed, a judoka can pick apart a wrestler of its level just as well.

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